Be Careful , It's reason Eat Together Friends Can Make You Fat

weight loss
With the amount of work piling up every day , of course you would love to spend the weekend with friends . However you need to be careful , because a new study reveals eating together with friends it can easily make your weight increase.
Reported by the Daily Mail , Tuesday ( 10/29/2013 ) , everyone would have a friend with an appetite different . The team of researchers from the University of Illinois confirms that the conditions that make you often can not help myself . Why ? When you're eating at a restaurant together with your friends , then you likely will order a similar food as a result of ' peer pressure ' or peer pressure .

Brenna Ellison , a culinary analyst , analyzing order lunch from a restaurant in Stillwater , Oklahoma , during the last 3 months . The restaurant is divided into three areas , the first area is to receive guests with a menu price alone ; area both received a menu with information on the number of calories for each dish , and the third area receiving a full menu with calorie counts and reminder signs that indicate the level of food calories .
For example , foods with a green light sign contains 400 calories or less , with a yellow light means the food contains between 401-800 calories , and foods with red light contains more than 800 calories .
Ellison said it has found that those who received the reminders menu ordering food with fewer calories . This indicates the existence of peer pressure to order foods that are low in calories. But big finding for Ellison is a sense of happiness that comes when someone ordered a similar meal with his friends .
" For example , if my friends ordering high-calorie foods or spend more money , then I am also happy when ordering high-calorie foods and spend more money . Instead , order a salad so it feels good even if there is a friend who also ordered it , " Ellison light .
Based on these findings , Ellison gives advice if you want to go away for the weekend with your friends .
" Keep you always order the food first because the first time the book is the only person who really get what they want . Moreover , we think it would be very nice if you could order food healthy and low in calories , as would a friend your friends order healthier food as well , "said Ellison .