Stay late at night but the diet? Do not Just Can Succeed Slim and Healthy

The high demands of work in the lives of today's society makes most people ' forced' to have to stay up . But not infrequently they do it simply because lifestyle alone . Do not continue , these habits can hamper your diet .

As is known , the digestive system has three main cycles consisting of phases of digestion , absorption or assimilation phase and disposal phase . Well , this phase of absorption or assimilation occurred at 8 pm until 4 am .

When the body and mind we 're complete rest or sleep , the body begins to absorb , assimilate , circulate nutrients and detoxification . Therefore , if you have a habit of working at night or staying up late just to play , it will inhibit the action of the digestive system in this phase . Quite often you will eat again at this time , is not it?

If passed , the available energy will be divided to go to work and digest food . As a result , it could be the stomach the next morning will be very uncomfortable , feel full , difficult defecation , prolonged fatigue and less excited . The food you eat late at night also makes weight increased little by little .

" When we sleep , it energy not used for anything else , well it is concentrated to the body work . Eaten food that day will be processed , absorbed , marriages occurring nutrients , and are not used discarded . All that happens when we sleep , "said Andang Widhawari Gunawan , nutritional therapist , detikHealth when met at his residence in the area of ​​Lebak Bulus , Jakarta , and was written on Tuesday ( 24/12/2013 ) .

According Andang , if for example you still like to stay up , then the energy that would be used to the maximum for the absorption of nutrients be divided . " As a result of what ? Year two years may not feel anything , then all of a sudden 30 years later a new feel tired really fast huh ? Turns out every meal , the energy we get from food was not optimal . Existing garbage piled up steadily from year to the body . was that damage cells and make fat , " he continued .info

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