Slimming Pills Overdose Purchased on the Internet, 24 Year Girl Died!

Edinburgh, Michael Reynolds (55) was devastated by the death of her daughter, Cara. Moreover, the death of 24-year-old girl was allegedly due to an overdose of slimming pills he consumes.

Michael said, he found unconscious way in his room with an empty bottle of pills lying nearby. Over 5 hours of doctors fought to save the lives of way but the way the cardiovascular system collapsed due to excessive caffeine consumption, reports the British Medical Journal and quoted on Wednesday (12/10/2014).

"Initially How could complain heart palpitations after taking 2 pills and she did not want to drink it again. He told me to buy the slimming pills worth USD 386 thousand on the internet," said Michael.

A year ago, How to split up with her fiancé. After that he decided to lose weight by diligently gym plus slimming pills. Although, according to Michael actually way not obese. At Michael, How confessed that he bought the pills are made from natural ingredients.

But, after a few days taking the pill the recommended dosage, besides palpitations way also suffered convulsions. In fact, she felt like she had spent slimming pill bottles until she was unconscious.

"I was devastated by the death of way. I appeal to everyone to not try slimming pills bought at the seller is not clear. If it is like this, the consumer will not know what to ask for accountability to anyone," Michael's message.

Reports in the British Medical Journal says that the pill is consumed How containing 18,000 mg of caffeine and 18,000 mg of raspberry ketone. One researcher said that this case could be a lesson to anticipate the number of slimming pills that circulated on the internet. In the case of Method, amid further investigated whether Ways experiencing caffeine toxicity.

"Raspberry ketone is a natural chemical compound that produces a distinctive aroma of raspberry and claimed to be able to burn fat even though there is no evidence to support a lot. A lot of slimming products containing caffeine to 250 mg per tablet. For that you should be careful," said one of the researchers in a report ....

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