Fitness and Nutrition for the Modern Age With a Lafayette Fitness Expert

weight loss program
 Around the world, health is becoming a common concern; even young people are facing higher rates of diabetes than ever before, says a Lafayette fitness expert. As the weight of the collective world goes up so do the risks for many serious illnesses. Of course, weight is not the only nutrition/health concern and it seems like every time you turn around the “experts” are changing what is healthy and what is not! This begs the question, what does fitness and nutrition look like in the modern world? One Lafayette fitness expert wants try and answer that question.
Remember when eggs were the root of all cholesterol evil? Carbohydrates are good, no they are bad, wait no you need them! It is enough to confuse even the most astute among us, so how are you supposed to determine what a proper diet actually consists of? It actually may be simpler than you might think. One of the biggest issues, in America at least, is portion control and caloric knowledge. For example, do you know the calorie count for one of the most popular value meals? Would you be shocked to learn that it is nearly 1,000? Over the years portion sizes have gone up, super sizing has become the norm and the calories have gone through the roof.
There are actually value meals on the market today that push 1700 calories, nearly a full day’s recommended daily allowance! This is outrageous to several Lafayette fitness professionals. What do you need to eat for good nutrition? Should your diet be high in this or low in that? Honestly, the best approach is a balanced one. Your body needs fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy for calcium, protein for muscle growth and carbohydrates for energy.

Exercise What does the word exercise bring to mind? For some people the phrase is synonymous with torture and pain! Thankfully, it does not have to be this way! There are several simple ways you can make exercise fun and less of a chore. Start by thinking about the activities you enjoy. Do you like to swim? Perhaps you have always wanted to take up tennis or kayaking, both of which are highly active pursuits. Of course, even the most fun activity won’t help if you blow off practice, which is where an accountability partner can come in handy. If you commit to walk with a friend or take dance lessons together you will be less inclined to skip (just this once of course!). You might let yourself down, but most people will not let a friend down! Water, H2O, Hydration Regardless of what you call it water is one of the most important parts of your fitness and nutrition goals. Every cell and system in the body depends on water to function properly. The recommended daily allowance is 64 fluid ounces or eight- 8-ounce glasses.

Your body is two-thirds water, so you can imagine what kind of havoc even a little dehydration can wreak but if you cannot check out these figures: Water Content in Body
• Brain- 95%
• Blood- 82%
 • Lungs- 90%
 In addition, water serves as an important basis for saliva and cushion for the joints. Supplements Can you get all your nutrients from your diet? While you may not be able to get every single vitamin and mineral in your regular diet, supplements may not be the answer. Too many people take it upon themselves to add copious amounts of supplements to their daily routine, without any proof they are beneficial or necessary. Before you load up on iron, vitamin C, folic acid or an even a daily multivitamin it is a good idea to talk to a nutritionist or your physician. Conclusion Every time you turn around it seems like someone has the magic combination of food and exercise to transform your life. If you will just take this supplement, drink a shake a day plus a sensible dinner you will lose weight and feel great. The only problem with this assertion is the one size fits all approach. Your situation may call for a specific combination of supplements along with mild exercise and more fruit in your diet while your neighbor may need to increase protein levels and add free weights to their routine, say several Lafayette fitness professionals.source
