Stop Drinking Habits Beer 40 L per week, Men's Fall Weight 139 Kilo's

A father of four children, Russell Robinson (43), has a weight of up to 222 kg and requires requires XXXXXXL shirt size. She wanted to lose weight because you feel depressed over the situation in his life.
Russell weight soared after his marriage failed 2 times. He feels his life has no meaning anymore and started to not care about a healthy lifestyle. But after not maintaining a healthy lifestyle, she became overweight and ashamed of her condition.
Russell body size is also large enough to make it lose jobs: as a forklift driver in a factory.
Health conditions undoubtedly be decreased. He was diagnosed with diabetes and sleep apnea. With sleep apnea or trouble breathing disorder is caused Russell to stop breathing up to 50 times a night.
In the process of losing weight, Russell fought against his desire to eat a lot of any party to attend. Although he still feels hungry, he remains determined to limit what goes into his mouth.
Previously while attending a party, Russell difficult to not eat in large quantities. Usually he even has a habit of drinking alcohol and 40 liters of beer per week.
"Even though I tried several times to reduce drinking and not to the bar, I still buy beer and drink at home to entertain myself. So I feel useless," said Russell.
Russell admitted he missed his children and felt very depressed. He also can not do sports or exercise a lot because of his size made it difficult to move. This makes her mother worried.
"After that, I tried many diets and slimming pills. However it gives a bad effect on my stomach. I was desperate," added Russell.
The National Health Service (NHS) said to overcome some of the problems in the digestive system due to its weight, Russell had to perform gastric bypass surgery. He was afraid to do this operation.
But after feeling quite depressed and tired of hearing people commenting on her size, she finally decided to perform this operation. Operations conducted in 2011 is helping its weight down to 82