It Reasons Why You Need Sport Drink at Work

fitness informastion
Endurance exercise (endurance) or high intensity exercise causes our bodies can experience what is called dehydration.
Dehydration according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health's MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia can be defined as a condition in which the body loses fluids in large numbers.
Biological Aspects of Dehydration
According to Bob Murray, Ph.D. (founder of Sports Science Insights), during physical activity, the body will lose sweat at 0-2 liters / hour depending on the type of sport you play, the longer doing sports, environmental temperature, and someone in the rate of genetic sweat production. A high rate of sweat production is closely associated with the rise of temperature in the body, resulting in the production of sweat is one way to normalize body temperature. If this situation continues without liquid supply by an amount equal to the amount of fluid that is lost, it can cause death.
Several studies conducted by a team from the American College of Sports Medicine states that dehydration of 1-2% per body weight led to decrease a person's capacity and capability in the training program even athletes in a competition. It is also very closely related to the injury suffered, for example, muscle cramps caused by loss of salt and minerals are also contained in sweat. Role of salts and minerals are very important as a counterweight compound in the blood.
What is a Sport Drink?
Sport drink the beverage composition is designed as a replacement energy and body fluids, especially during physical activity or sport. While doing physical activity and exercise, the body will consume energy reserves of glycogen and body fluids that contain electrolytes, so they require fluid replacement and energy that comes from a sports drink or sports drink.
Function sport drink not only prevent dehydration for those who are active in sports. Additional nutrients and other important substances also help the metabolic process to maintain the body's cells.
A study published in Science and Medicine in Sport and Excercise shows that sports drink containing carbohydrate and protein can improve the physical condition of athletes and significantly reduce the risk of muscle injury.
The study, published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Excercise show, consuming soft drinks that get extra carbohydrates and protein for endurance exercise has 36.5 percent longer, compared with those who consumed a sports drink which only added carbohydrate.
Compared excellence Sport Drink Water Ordinary
The following are some of the benefits that sports drinks presented by Bob Murray, Ph.D.:
Not just any drink can be called a sport drink. Sport drink is a beverage that really is specially formulated to re-hydrate the body in a short time so that the performance of a person in the exercise back to normal.
Organoleptic properties of flavor that is owned sport drink is very important in order to consume more fluids to replace the fluids lost during exercise
Sports drinks contain a certain amount of carbohydrates as an energy supplier. Carbohydrates are formulated around 4-7% for the absorption of water into each cell of the body.
Sports drinks contain some salts and minerals to supply a variety of minerals such as sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are lost during exercise.
Loss of body fluids during exercise to watch out, because the 2% loss of body fluids have already started to cause the body's performance, while 10% lost circulation system freezes and causes overheating. Therefore, have always been a sports drink to maintain body fluid levels, and prevent adverse impacts due to dehydration.