Want to Slim? Eat It!

Did you know there are foods that are beneficial for weight control ? Nutritionists from Diet Prima Catering , dr . Peni Hedi P. MSM ( Nutrition ) , say , eating enough to make sure you are ' satisfied ' quicker and fuller longer . But , for that you need to meet the recommended daily allowance (recommended daily allowance - RDA ) .

For the average adult Asian female body mass indexed to normal ( 18.5 to 22.9 ) , the recommended daily allowance for protein is 0.8 to 1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight , and for vegetables and fruit is 50-100 grams at each meal .

Here are 5 foods that weight control is recommended dr . Peni . Do not forget , consume a portion of the rules above .

1 . salmon
Contains omega-3 fatty acids . These fatty acids regulate the body's smart to be active to burn excess fat . Amazingly, this acid also triggers the production of leptin , the hormone that sends satiety to the brain . By doing so , you so do not overeat . Salmon also provide a good intake of protein for muscle mass makes the body's metabolism to increase.

Try this :
Salmon sushi , salmon steaks or salmon salad . Complete with lettuce and tomato , and condiments are minimalist . Omega-3 fatty acids are also abundant in tuna , mackerel , and sardines .

2 . Eggs ( white part only )
Contains protein , vitamins A , D , and E. People who ate 2 eggs at breakfast would usually feel full throughout the day , rather than those that breakfast without eggs . Fun again , you become a little lunch .

Try this :
Create a scramble egg ( egg white ) using two eggs . Add button mushrooms and a little low-fat cheese . Eat with whole grain bread , or as stuffing wheat bread with leaf lettuce . Healthy , right ?

3 . avocados
Contain unsaturated fats and mannoheptulose . Unsaturated fat makes the avocado good for the brain . Amazingly, the avocado is not easily converted into fat deposits . Instead , the content mannoheptulose - sugar in avocados - not to control insulin levels to fluctuate . By doing so , could be a more efficient use of energy , glucose level was maintained . Fun anymore , does not occur in the body buildup of energy in the form of fat .

Try this :
Cut into pieces or crushed avocado , then eat it without sugar , syrup , or milk . Or mixed in salad vegetables .
4 . know
Protein and genistein . Genistein is a soy isoflavone that has made ​​so many health benefits . Apparently, genistein also increase fat burning , suppress hunger , and reduce the accumulation of fat around the abdomen .

Try this :
Tofu and know quite flexible mixed in a variety of soups , stir , even mixed with gelatin to a snack .

5 . Tempe
Protein and genistein . Just like tofu, tempeh, soy is also rich in isoflavones which is not only beneficial for health . Tempe also increase fat burning , suppress hunger , and reduce the accumulation of fat around the abdomen .source

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