Sweet Food Consumption Before Eating Can Help Lose Weight

During this time, the dessert with a sweet taste tends to like pudding, cake, or chocolate consumed at the end of a meal. If you want to try to lose weight, try to consume dessert before eating.

A study conducted at Imperial College London found that eating sugar at the beginning of a meal can keep one's appetite. This study focuses on the appetite for glucose that is often found in cakes, chocolates, cakes, and serves as the main source of energy.

Researchers showed that a protein in the brain called glucokinase duty track how much glucose permeable diasup. If the glucose intake is too low, then the brain will tell the body to eat more sweet and starchy foods.

"Therefore, we recommend that prior to the consumption of a full meal, try to eat desserts that tend sweet," said lead researcher Dr. James Gardiner in a report in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and quoted on Wednesday (12/10/2014).

In the study mice were fed a regular diet and sugar water. Mice that ate sugar water ternayat spend less feed them than other mice that do diet as usual. In the second experiment, rats were starved 24 hours are known to have a more active glucokinase.

It is estimated that, this happens because naturally glukokinasu be formed. So that, when starved people tend to eat foods rich in sugar. Well, this is based on the findings of Dr. James and his colleagues hope to be no new findings with respect to diet.

"It's when during the meal we eat foods high in glucose, the brain tells the body longer if we had enough glucose levels. Activation of the amount of calories that have been diasup will be slower," said Dr. James.

"But still do not eat dessert, especially the excessively sweet. Eat with a sufficient amount and gradually," said Dr. James.

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