11 Exercises That Build Muscle Without Bulk

Toning Exercises
by Amy O'ConnorEager to achieve long, lean, sculpted muscles, but you're really not the type to spend hours pumping iron or pushing a metal weight machine at the gym? We hear you! Even though the fear of "bulking up" with weight training is not based in reality, especially for women over 40, building muscle is a must, both for strong bones and to boost metabolism. Here are our picks for the most effective "bulk-free" ways to get longer, leaner and stronger from head to toe.
11 Exercises That Build Muscle Without Bulk

Monkey push
Strengthens: Arms and shoulders, abdominals, back

Get into the "up" part of push-up position with hands directly below shoulders and body in a straight line from head to heels. Keeping core tight, push through toes and hop forward, landing gently with feet on the outside of hands. Hop back to starting position. Bend elbows (keeping them close to body) to lower body toward floor, then push back up; that's 1 rep. Do 10–12 reps.

One-leg rear-delt raise
Strengthens: Core, shoulders, biceps, triceps, back, hamstrings, glutes

Hold 5- to 8-pound weight in each hand, palms facing in. Bend forward at waist, letting arms hang, while lifting left leg back so it's in line with torso. Flex shoulder muscles and raise weights out to sides until arms are parallel to floor (as shown). Lower arms. Do 15 reps; switch legs, and repeat.

Opposite arm & leg lift
Strengthens: Upper body, lower body, biceps, triceps, shoulders, upper and lower back, glutes

Get down on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Reach your right arm forward; at the same time, stretch your left leg back. Hold for 5 seconds, then release and repeat using the left arm and right leg; that's one rep. Do 10 to 15 reps.

Triceps down dog
Strengthens: Upper body, biceps, triceps, shoulders

From plank position, bend elbows to lower down as far as you can, then straighten them. Lift your hips up as you push back into Down Dog position, pressing your heels toward the floor. Return to plank. Do entire sequence 10 times.

Twisting knee plank
Strengthens: Upper and lower body; arms, shoulders, abdominals, obliques, butt

Get into plank position (the up part of a push-up). Twist your lower body to the left, then to the right; return to center. Bring your left knee forward to touch your left elbow; hold for 1 second, then return to center and repeat on the right side. That's 1 rep; do 20 reps.

Kneeling Glute Toner
Strengthens: Glutes, hamstrings, inner and outer thighs, abdominals

Kneel with knees hip-width apart, and hold the back of a chair; tighten abs, tuck pelvis. Slide left foot back, lift knee and toes off floor; press straight back with foot (knee bent) 20 reps. Keeping knee behind hip, pelvis tucked, turn out leg slightly (toe to 8 on clock); lift toes 20 reps. Rotate thigh out; press foot back 20 reps. Lift leg diagonally to side 20 reps. Switch legs; repeat series.

Chair twist
Strengthens: Lower and upper abdominals, obliques, hips, thighs, butt

Stand with your feet together. Bend knees, reaching hips back (knees behind toes), lowering until thighs are nearly parallel with floor; raise arms forward and up. Rotate torso to right and secure left elbow on outside of right knee. Hold for 3 breaths; return to starting position. Repeat on left side; that's 1 rep. Do 3 reps.

Dancing half-moon kick
Strengthens: Obliques, hips, back, butt, arms

Begin in a straddle stance with your knees bent and feet wide, and your toes pointing slightly outward. Shift your weight onto your right leg while straightening your left leg. Round your arms, as if holding a large ball, and bend sideways from the waist over your bent knee.

Quadriceps stretch
Strengthens: Lower body, hips, legs, butt, thighs

Start on hands and knees with feet toward stability ball or wall. Lift right leg, point right toes toward ceiling; move your knee 4 inches away from ball. Rest top of foot against ball. Slowly bring left leg into lunge position with left foot flat on the floor, knee over ankle; lift torso. Kick top of right foot into ball to contract quads; as you kick, use left leg to push body back and torso upright, stretching quads. 
Do 5 to 10 reps. Repeat on other side.

Waist Trimmer
Strengthens: Core, butt

Sit with knees bent to 90° (right knee in front, left knee to side with left toes pointing back). Place right hand on the floor and left hand on left hip. Bend slightly forward at waist, lifting chest. Lift left leg an inch off the floor (as shown); lower it. Do 20 reps, then press left leg an inch backward and forward for 20 more reps. Switch sides; repeat sequence.

Fast Arm Exercises
Strengthens: Arms, shoulders

Get sleek arms and stronger shoulders with these upper body toners.

30-Minute Workout, No Gym Required
Who has time to burn megacalories? You do! Perform these exercises just three times a week to drop winter weight.source
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